ANSUL Fire Extinguishers & Products
ANSUL Fire Extinguishers & Products
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Ansul Sentry Dry Chemical Hand Held Portable Fire Extinguisher
(see FORAY ABC MSDS Sheets)
When economy and performance are equally important, select from the SENTRY line of stored pressure, hand portable fire extinguishers. Designed for light to medium use, SENTRY extinguishers are available with dry chemical, carbon dioxide, or water.
Typical applications… Auto repair shops, banks, electrical equipment rooms, hotels, machining operations, material handling vehicles, offices, schools, warehouses, and others.
Pressurized Water Type Hand Held Portable Fire Extinguishers
Simple operation and maintenance. Brass chrome plated valve. Stainless steel shell. Schrader valve for pressurization
Easy service construction
Model No.:W02-12-ACapacity:2.5 gallons (9.5 liters)
Extinguisher Height:25.5 in. (64.8 cm)
Width:9 in. (22.9 cm)
Meets or exceeds ULrequirementsSqueeze grip, positive on-off operationWaterproof stainless steel gaugeThe ANSULStainless Steel Water Extinguisher can be utilized in manyClass Ahazards such as office environments and industrial locations, aswell as warehouse and oxidizing chemical storage areas. The unitfeatures a stainless shell and chrome plated valve. The nameplatefeatures easy to read step-by-step instructions for operating the extin-
guisher.The Schrader valve allows for easy recharge in the field.
Class K Kitchen Fire Extinguishers
(see PRX or AnsulX MSDS Sheets)
ANSUL® K-GUARD fire extinguishers contain ANSULEX® liquid fire suppressant to quickly knock down the flames, form a vapor-securing blanket, and cool the grease and surrounding surfaces. Listed by UL and ULC for "K" class fires.
Typical applications… restaurants, convenience stores, food courts, cafeterias, and many others
Red Line Wheeled Fire Extinguishers
ANSUL® RED LINE wheeled extinguishers are designed to protect high fire-risk areas where the potential for large fires exists. These heavy duty units have greater extinguishing agent capacities than portable extinguishers, yet are highly mobile and can be fully operated by just one person. Available with dry chemical, foam, carbon dioxide, and special dry powders.
Typical applications… airports, loading docks, steel mills, paint spray booths, offshore platforms, heavy manufacturing areas and others.
Dry Chemical Agents
ANSUL® extinguishing agent options include dry chemicals for conventional Class A-B-C fires; dry powder agents for Class D fires found in sodium, potassium and magnesium; and specialty agents for metal alkyls and lithium fires.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Hand Held Portable Fire Extinguishers
CleanGuard (FE36) Hand Held Portable Fire Extinguishers
(see Cleanguard (FE36) MSDS Sheet)
ANSUL® CLEANGUARD hand portable extinguishers contain DuPont FE-36® where the agent must be clean, electrically nonconductive, environment friendly, extremely low in toxicity, and exceptionally effective.
Typical applications… computer centers, data/document storage areas, communications facilities, control rooms, electronics manufacturing, museums, art galleries, laboratories, and many others.
NEW CLEANGUARD Non-Magnetic Model now available for MRI rooms, operating rooms and other similar applications.
Cartridge Operated Fire Extinguishers
ANSUL® RED LINE cartridge-operated extinguishers are the premium firefighting units preferred by safety directors in high fire-risk industries. Cartridge-operated means increased reliability, on-the-spot recharge and ease of service.
Typical applications… fuel loading racks, heavy construction sites, dip tanks, oil pumping stations, mining equipment, paint lockers, trucks and buses, fuel storage rooms, production lines, and others.
Foam Fire Fighting Products
Spill Control Products
Acids, caustics, solvents, formaldehyde… no matter what the spill, make sure you have an ANSUL® SPILL-X® spill treatment agent on hand. It’s the easiest, fastest, and most efficient method to handle a small to medium chemical spill before it becomes a big problem.
SPILL-X-A® agent will neutralize and solidify most organic and inorganic acids, including hydrofluoric acid SPILL-X-S® agent is a solvent adsorbent for organic materials like benzene or xylene.
SPILL-X-C® agent is a neutralizer and solidifier for caustics such as sodium hydroxide.
SPILL-X-FP® agent polymerizes and solidifies formaldehyde spills.
This website is provided by Maggie Blaser, Owner, Dubuque Fire Equipment, Inc. is designed, serviced, and maintained by Maggie Blaser